Monday, July 10, 2023

which type of parents show moderate control and high warmth?

which type of parents show moderate control and high warmth?

Answer & Explanation:

Parents who show moderate control and high warmth are often referred to as authoritative parents. Authoritative parents set clear and reasonable boundaries for their children while also providing them with warmth, support, and understanding. They establish rules and expectations but are also responsive to their children's needs and emotions. This parenting style is characterized by open communication, mutual respect, and a balance between discipline and nurturing. Research suggests that children raised by authoritative parents tend to have better social and emotional development, higher self-esteem, and perform better academically.


Authoritative Parenting


Authoritative Parenting In this approach, parents show high levels of warmth, explanation and nurturing towards their child but they also instil a moderate level of discipline.

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